Saturday, January 14, 2012

Teach Me Time Clock

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My son Zachary has always been an early riser.  He's been a pretty consistent 6:30 AM riser since he was a baby and continues to do so at almost 5 yrs.  There were many times when he went through phases of getting up at 6 or even 5:30. Those were not my favorite days.  We decided to enforce a rule saying that he needed to play in his room if he got up before 6:30 until we came to get him. We got him a touch lamp that he could turn on himself. 

After my daughter was born and they started sharing a room when she was 5 months we asked him to play in the game room if he got up too early. Adelyn slept a little bit later than Zachary as a baby and often does currently.  We had issues with him making a lot of noise when he woke up in the morning. Who is surprised?

Daylight savings definitely throws us off for a few days.  Around that time Zachary started doing the 5:45 AM wake time and I decided he really needed to stay in bed longer and at least make more effort to fall back asleep or just rest more.

I received several gift cards to amazon for my birthday and I came across this clock, the Teach Me Time Clock. It was 30 or 40 dollars well invested. I love it! The clock changes color from yellow to green when it's time to get up or get out of bed. Some people online complained that the yellow light at night was too bright for the room but the kids don't have a problem with it. It also has an alarm clock the kids can use when they get older.  

I am very thankful we decided to make this purchase.  We explained to Zachary exactly what time we had the color changer set for and although we do teach him about telling time and clocks, this is also helping him get a feel of time.

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