Friday, June 8, 2012

An Organizational Investment

My two children share a room.  They are 3 years apart in age and the rooms are a very good size in our house fortunately.  About a year and 1/2 ago I listened to mothers in the Moms group I belong to at church say that they thought sharing a room helped their children become close.  Of course like every parent, I wanted my children to be great friends so when Adelyn turned 5 months she began sharing a room with Zachary. He was thrilled to have his new baby sleep in the same room (actually he wanted her to sleep in the bed with him). 

As time has gone on though, we have had to rearrange clothing and items in their room. We no longer needed to changing table (which had become another shelf) and the drawers of the dresser were overflowing. The closet is also a great size but did not have enough shelving to help our situation. This closet had clothes and items in baskets on the floor which often got mixed together or tossed about. 

Solution: a wonderful friend who showed me her Elfa drawers in her house from the container store(where she also works!). It was an investment but the space it saves, the ease of the kids reaching and organizing their own clothes, and the durability of these drawers to last for years to come, has made them well worth it.  These drawers are deep from front to back and up and down which gives plenty of space to hold all of their clothes not hanging as well as blankets.  Another perk is that they were very easy to put together.

They each have their own unit and we can rearrange the order of drawers from top to bottom.  It fits in their closet also.  Now that we have these I am able to removed the dresser from the room that was too small for the both of them and get some decorative wall shelves for their little picture frames, trophies and baptism memory items. 

Thank you to Becca who with her skills learned from working at the container store, continues to teach me about home organization all the time.  

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